The Passin' of Pepe
(Note: not exactly the Passion of Christ)
Please bow your heads...but not so low that you can't read this.
We are here today to mourn the passing of a good...(for lack of a more appropriate word) player. Pepe was many things; a CD player, an MP3 player, a friend...a companion. One could listen to Pepe for hours on end, his mortality only noticed by his batterys' charge. Now, with a life countable in months, Pepe is no longer among us. Although the cause of such a premature demise has not yet been determined, we know Pepe fought long and hard against the eternal rest(so hard that I think it caused him to break the internal mechanism which causes the disk to spin). Pepe will be missed. He is survived by several CD-Rs; MP3s A-H and MP3s G-Z as well as several Don or Dno Mixes.
Not all are sad about the Passing of Pepe. Kumiko, who has verbally stated her dislike of Pepe, has made this remark, "You have the warranty! I'll take you to Don Quijote (where Pepe is from) to replace it." AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! THERE IS NO REPLACEMENT FOR YOU PEPE!!!!!!!
*Sniff, sniff*
Now, please raise your goblets as Bobo passes around the wine. (time passes)
Let us drink to Pepe!!! May your large ears flap forever in the winds of our memories!
Thank you
(Pepe on his death bed)