Seldom Told

WARNING!!! Just when you thought it was safe...Dno's back and he is as nutty as ever. Sanity causes stress, and I have ample amounts of it. If you read this BLOG, be warned, little of it makes sense, but do read the archives. I must now dance. Dance with me. Feel the music...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Shark Dicks and Ass wounding toilets

Here is something to tell the grandkids.

Instead of slicing this up and serving it raw, some Japanese pacifist (this is sarcasm) ripped off this man-eater's willy and encased it in plastic for all to see. I am a bit surprised that they don't have Shark Dick Dildos (yes, I do go to adult toy stores...they are crazy and entertaining). However, I did see a robot arm you can put a pocket pussy on...well, it had a remote. How lazy do you need to be.

Now, this is the toilet which almost ripped my ass off. I am sure you have heard of the Japanese ass washing toilets. Well, this is one of them, but the jet is like what comes out of a fireman's hose (not his dick).

I am pretty sure I jumped a few feet into the air and out of the range of this sadistic invention as the surgical like jet cut into my ass flesh. And the damn thing wasn't even set on full blast.
Having ulcers in my colon, Iam no stranger to bleeding out my ass, but this is a pretty shitty thing to do to someone's ass. Fuck you evil ass washer. I hope your creators burn for what they unleashed on unsuspecting assholes.

Here are the controls. If you look on the lower left you can see that the level was pretty high, almost full blast. They should label the damn thing Ass Rim Removal and flash a warning.


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