Seldom Told

WARNING!!! Just when you thought it was safe...Dno's back and he is as nutty as ever. Sanity causes stress, and I have ample amounts of it. If you read this BLOG, be warned, little of it makes sense, but do read the archives. I must now dance. Dance with me. Feel the music...

Monday, December 05, 2011

It's been a while

It's been a while since I've updated this blog. I can say I got distracted, but honest lack of interest has caused it to become a labor.

I considered coming back several times, only to reconsider.

Well, I'm back. Thought I'd just post some random thoughts.

Life is rough for some, easy for others. Slow for most, fast and exciting for others. It can be good at times, and very bad at others. There are only so many slots for happiness. I am not really into being happy all the time. I am not a sad, drool person all of the time, but I do not feel the need to be overly happy. Is that a bad thing?


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