Seldom Told

WARNING!!! Just when you thought it was safe...Dno's back and he is as nutty as ever. Sanity causes stress, and I have ample amounts of it. If you read this BLOG, be warned, little of it makes sense, but do read the archives. I must now dance. Dance with me. Feel the music...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

When Grading is the Test

Again, this pic isn't the best, but live with it. You can just make out the answer to #5. This answer is "Hint Box."

The directions stated that students are to use the "Hint Box" to the right of the passage to find the missing words of said passage. The part for #5 read, "What kind of (5) programs do you like?" Apparently, this genious thought long and hard. Notice the triangles, those are for partial points...I gave them for effort. Sometimes, I wish I wouldn't, but then too many would fail. Note: you need to get less than 25 points to fail.


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